Sleeping-Bear Puppets: Preschool Craft on God’s Provision
Preschoolers learn more about God’s provision in this sleeping-bear puppets craft.
Scripture: Luke 9:58
Sleeping-Bear Puppets

You’ll need:
- tacky craft glue
- scissors
- craft sticks
- paper cups
- brown construction paper
- black markers
- brown crayons
- Use this same idea to make birds in nests, butterflies in cocoons, or groundhogs in their holes. This makes a great craft project to use when learning about God’s provision.
- Use the bear puppets to play a fun game of peekaboo with young toddlers or preschoolers.
Making the Puppets
1. Before class cut a slit in the bottom of each paper cup. Cut small, brown construction paper triangles to make pairs of ears. Be sure to prepare a paper cup and a pair of paper ears for each child.
2. Set out crayons, markers, glue, and craft sticks. Hand each child a craft stick and have children color the sticks brown.
3. Let children use black markers to draw eyes and noses on the top portions of the craft sticks to make bears. Then hand each child a pair of paper ears to glue on the top of the craft stick.
4. Distribute the paper cups and have children color the cups brown. Help children insert the craft-stick “bears” through the slits in the bottoms of the cups. Let children practice moving their bears into the “caves” for a nap.
Extra Fun
Remind children that God gives us places to live and grow. Explain that bears live in caves. Invite children to put their bears to bed then wake them up again in this fun action rhyme.
God made homes for everyone, (wiggle the bear puppet)
Even Mr. Bear. (make the puppet bow)
He goes deep inside his den (move the puppet into the cup)
While it’s cold out there.
Quiet now, beside his cave, (place your finger on your lips)
Hush! Don’t make a sound!
We don’t want to wake him up (shake head “no”)
Before spring comes around.
Oh no! I think he’s waking up, (make puppet peek out of cup)
And when he does, watch out.
He might come out of his dark den (poke the puppet out of the cup)
With a growl or snort or shout! (make growling noises)
Want more craft ideas? Check out Group’s Makerific WOWS!: 54 Surprising Bible Crafts (ages 3-7). You can also look through these articles!
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