What It Takes to Recruit Older Volunteers for Kidmin
Someone once asked this question on childrensministry.com: We have an older congregation and frequently hear “I taught Sunday school for 30 years, I have done my time.” How do we recruit older volunteers to come back and get reinvested in the ministry?
To answer this person, we dug into our archives and found this chart. Read on for tips and techniques to tap into what motivates older volunteers to sign up for your ministry.
Check out this chart and read on for four excellent strategies to recruit older volunteers.

1. Give older volunteers a clear vision of your ministry. If you want older volunteers to give of their valuable time, help them understand what your vision is for radically impacting the next generation for Christ.
2. Make your children’s ministry more than babysitting. When you understand that your children’s ministry is way more than babysitting, you’ll see your ministry — and church — grow!
3. Never stop learning and growing to create an amazing ministry. Older adults have been in the church, workplace, and organizations for many years. They can spot a phony in a heartbeat. They will respect you — and your ministry — if you demonstrate a heart for learning and improving.
4. Make every communication your very best possible. When you do that, you’ll make your children’s ministry hard to resist for prospective volunteers who need to believe in your cause to sign up.
Want more volunteer management ideas? Check out these articles!
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