Preschool Craft: Valentine Heart Placemat
Looking for a fun way for the preschoolers in your ministry to show their love this Valentine’s Day? Try having them make this Valentine Heart Placemat for someone special to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
You’ll need:
- 11×17 white construction paper
- red tempera paint
- plastic bowls
- baking potatoes
- a knife
- glue
- scissors
- a photo of each child
Preschool Craft: Valentine Heart Placemat
Before class, slice potatoes in half and cut a heart shape into the potato for stamping. Then have children dip the potato in red paint and stamp heart shapes on construction paper. Help preschoolers cut their photos into heart shapes and glue them to the placemats. Laminate the valentine heart placemats for durability.
Read aloud John 13:34: “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.”
Remind preschoolers that God wants us to love each other, just as he loves us. Tell preschoolers to give the placemat to someone as a way to say, “I love you.”
Looking for even more great Valentine’s Day ideas? Check out all our Valentine’s Day posts. And for even more ministry ideas and daily posts of inspiration, follow us on Facebook!
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