6 Palm Sunday Activities That Preschoolers Will Love
Try these six Palm Sunday activities preschoolers will love during your Palm Sunday services. These activities have been specially designed with preschoolers in mind, so you can communicate the events of Palm Sunday as they play and worship!
1. Bible Time: Jesus Enters Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11)
You’ll need:
- Bible
- paper palm branches (can be made out of green construction paper)
Have children sit in a circle. Open your Bible to Matthew 21, and show children the words. Give each child a paper branch.
Say: Today’s Bible passage tells us that Jesus deserves our praise. When Jesus lived on earth, some people praised him by waving palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna!” Do you think you can jump up and wave your palm branch every time I say hosanna? Let’s try it. Hosanna! Encourage children to jump up, wave their palm branches, and then sit back down.
The people were excited; a parade was coming! This wasn’t just any parade—the celebration was for Jesus! Jesus was riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. As Jesus passed by, the people shouted, “Hosanna!” Pause for the children to react.
Many of the people knew that Jesus was a very special person. They thought he was special because he did so many good things and because they had been waiting for him to come for a long time. The people took off their coats and spread them on the ground for the donkey to walk on. Then they shouted, “Hosanna!” Pause for the waving of palm branches. The people waved their palm branches and again shouted, “Hosanna!” Pause for the children to react
Someone asked, “Who is that?” The people answered, “This is Jesus, who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna!” Pause for the children to react.
- What do you think of the way the people celebrated Jesus?
- What can you do to celebrate Jesus?
Say: The people celebrated and praised Jesus because he was so special. We want to praise Jesus, too. Jesus deserves our praise.
2. Bible Experience: Hosanna Hop
You’ll need:
- jackets
- paper palm branches
Ask the children to help you prepare the “road” for Jesus by spreading the jackets along a pretend path. Encourage children to take turns trotting or galloping down the road. While one child is taking a turn going down the road pretending to be Jesus, encourage the rest of the children to line up beside the road with their palm branches. Have kids wave their palm branches and shout, “Hosanna!”
- How do you think the people felt as they were praising Jesus?
- How does it make you feel to praise Jesus?
Say: Jesus is holy. He is the Son of God. He deserves all honor and glory. Jesus deserves our praise.
3. Palm Sunday Craft: Praise Castanets
You’ll need:
- 1½x8-inch strips of cardboard
- 2 soda caps per child
- glue
- markers
Give each child a strip of cardboard. Encourage kids to decorate one side of the cardboard using markers. Help kids each fold the strip in half and then glue the soda caps inside (top side down), one inch from the ends of the cardboard strip. Allow a short drying time. Show children how to hold the folded cardboard between their thumb and forefinger to tap the caps together, then release it and repeat. As they play their castanets, have them sing this praise song to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell.”
Jesus is the king.
Jesus is the king.
We praise him with our song today.
Jesus is the king!
- How did the people in today’s lesson praise Jesus?
- Why do you think it’s important to sing praises to Jesus?
- How can we show Jesus that he is our king?
Say: The people in today’s story rejoiced when Jesus came to their town. They were happy to see him. We show other people that Jesus is king when we worship him, give him our love, and tell others about him.
4. Prayer: Praise You, Lord
You’ll need:
Create a “road” with masking tape on the floor.
Have kids join you in singing this prayer to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” Encourage children to walk down the road as they sing a prayer of praise to their Lord Jesus.
Praise, praise, praise you, Lord.
How wonderful you are!
And we want to give you praise.
We pray in Jesus’ name.
5. Snack: Crunchy Path
You’ll need:
- graham crackers
- green-colored vanilla icing
- round chocolate candies
- teddy bear crackers
- plastic knives
Encourage kids to wash their hands before they prepare their snacks, and make sure the snack area is clean. Have them each use a graham cracker to make a section of the road that Jesus and the donkey traveled. Then have them spread icing on graham crackers, then place the graham crackers in a row on the table, like bricks on the road. Have children make a crowd by lining both sides of the road with teddy-bear crackers. Then have them drop the round chocolate candies along the path as the donkey’s footsteps.
Invite someone to say a prayer thanking Jesus for being our king. Then let kids eat the goodies they’ve made!
6. Palm Sunday Song: Royal Road
You’ll need:
Make a masking tape road on the floor. Provide a broom for the children to turn upside down and take turns riding as if it were a donkey.
Teach children the song “Jesus Came” to the tune of “Yankee Doodle.” Then let kids take turns riding on the “donkey” up one side of the road and down the other. Encourage the other children to follow behind and sing the song while marching and clapping. When everyone has had a turn riding the donkey, have the group sit in a circle.
Jesus came into the town
A-riding on a donkey.
Clap and sing and shout and praise
To Jesus who sure loves us!
Jesus Christ is Lord of all, Jesus is our king!
Jesus Christ is Lord of all, Jesus is our king!
Say: It’s fun to sing songs to Jesus. Jesus is the greatest king in the whole world, and we can give him our praises.
If you liked these activates and want more, check out The Humongous Book of Preschool Ideas for Children’s Ministry. Just pick a Bible passage, flip to that section of the book, and discover games, crafts, Scripture, and finger plays to create a lively lesson or boost an existing lesson. And if you follow the link above, you can get a free sample chapter.
What do you have planned for Palm Sunday? Let us know using the comment section below!
Looking for even more great ideas for Easter? Check out all our Easter posts.
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