Family Easter Craft: Simple Palm Sunday Praise
This Palm Sunday Craft: Chain of Praises is a great experience to share with the families in your church!
What You’ll Need:
- lots of brightly colored strips of paper, approximately 2.5 x 11 inches long
- stapler
Family Easter Craft: Simple Palm Sunday Craft
On Palm Sunday, have family members write praise statements on strips of colorful paper. Collect the strips when finished.
During the week, staple the strips into loops and make praise chains. Add to the chain each day of the week. Make the chains about 8- to 10-feet long. Add sections of blank strips to stretch out the chains so they’re long enough to surround your family or dining area.
On Easter Sunday, gather in a circle and hold the praise chains in a way that surrounds your family. Explain that the chains are comprised of praise for Jesus, then lead your family in a prayer that says, “He is risen!” as a refrain. Go around the circle and give each person a chance to say, “He is risen!” then raise the praise chains high in the air.
Jean Ballew
McPherson, Kansas
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