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A male volunteer talks to a kid about forgiveness during a lesson.
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All Clear! An Elementary Children’s Message About Forgiveness

Teach your elementary kids about forgiveness using this children’s message based on Isaiah 43:25. All you’ll need is a calculator and a Bible!

Theme: Forgiveness

Bible Text: [The Lord says,] “I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again” (Isaiah 43:25).

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • 5-7 hand-held calculators

All Clear! An Elementary Children’s Message About Forgiveness

Say: Does anyone recognize this little machine? Hold up a calculator and allow kids to respond.

It’s a calculator. The calculator is a fantastic invention. You can use a calculator to add and subtract without counting on your fingers. Some friends have lent me their calculators for our message today. Does anyone here know how to work a calculator? You may have used one on a smartphone instead of a calculator like these, but they work the same.

Some children may hold up their hands. Invite them to take a calculator. Keep one for yourself and complete the following addition problems with the children.

Say: Let’s see if we can do some addition with these calculators. If you don’t have a calculator, look on with a friend. Pause while kids scoot together. Let’s add 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 5+ 6 + 7. Say the numbers slowly so kids can enter them as you speak. What did you get? 32! That’s what I got, too. 

How about 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8? What did you get this time? 35! Me, too. Calculators make adding so simple. Now let’s add 7 + 9 + 4 + 6. What did you get? Kids will likely say “26.” Did you get 26? Oh, I must have added wrong. I got 25. Hmm, I’ll just push the “clear” button. Now I’ll add it again. Yep. You’re right. It’s 26!

Then say: That little clear button is one of my favorite things about calculators. If you make a mistake, it just clears the screen and you can start all over again. This reminds me of one of my favorite things about God. Listen to this!

Connecting It to the Bible

Read Isaiah 43:25. Say: The Bible says that God is the one who forgives all our sins, which are the wrong things we all say and do sometimes. After we’re forgiven, God won’t even remember our sins. It’s like God has a clear button for each one of us, and with just a touch of his finger, all our sins are gone forever.

But when it comes to God, that “clear button” isn’t really a clear button at all. It’s Jesus! God sent his Son, Jesus, to die for us and our sins. And Jesus did die for our sins, but he came back to life and now when we have a friendship with Jesus, all our sins are forgiven. God has wiped them away—just like I cleared my mistake on this calculator. 

Have kids return the calculators and thank them for their help. Then close in prayer thanking God for his forgiveness.

Looking for more children’s messages? Check out these posts!

3 thoughts on “All Clear! An Elementary Children’s Message About Forgiveness

  1. Cindy Casillas

    Thank you for the sample. I am mainly interested in elementary school age children curriculum. Do you have more samples that can be printed out? Some of our teachers are not familiar with the newest technology and like the lessons on paper. Thank you so much!!! We are picking new curriculum to begin in the fall.


      Hi Cindy! You can find our elementary Sunday school lessons here: and all of our posts can be printed out. At the top of the article (near the bottom of the header image), there is a printer button that lets you easily print the lessons!

      • Frans N Nghidipaa

        Dear children ministry

        I would like to wish you blesses from God , for the good teachings you have provided for children online. I will be praying for you always for keeping serving the body of Christ. I am teacher for Sunday School at Eenhana ELCIN (Namibia).I am very much interested in using your resources .I thank you!

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