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A preteen boy is praying at a prayer station.
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7 Prayer Stations to Cover Your Community in the New Year

As a new year approaches, these seven prayer stations are a great way to invite families to pray for their community and thank God for all his blessings.

Prayer Station 1: Out With the Old

Use this station to give thanks for the blessings of the year. Provide parchment-style paper for families to write down things they’ve been thankful for over the past year. Provide an old chest for families to place their prayers of thanksgiving inside before moving on to the next station.

Prayer Station 2: In With the New

This station will focus on the hopes and dreams for the upcoming year. Provide slips of paper and inflated balloons at the station. Have families write about something they’re looking forward to in the upcoming year such as a vacation, new baby, or a new learning milestone. Have families bat their balloons in the air as they pray for God’s blessing of each family member’s high hopes for the new year.

Prayer Station 3: Neighborhood Watch

Provide a large map of the neighborhoods in your community. Have dot stickers for families to indicate where they live, then have them pray for their neighborhood. Display the map in a common area so people in your church will know their neighborhoods have been cloaked in prayer.

Prayer Station 4: Lead Me On

Display photos of your church staff and have families pray for your church staff—pray for wisdom, protection, guidance, energy, and strength to lead in the upcoming year.

Prayer Station 5: Commander-in-Chief

Have an American flag at this area to remind families to pray for the president, their elected officials, and the men and women serving in our nation’s military.

Prayer Station 6: Leave the Light On

Provide a flashlight at this station. Have families turn on the flashlight and pray for friends and family members who still don’t know Jesus.

Prayer Station 7: Hands Around the World

Have a globe displayed at this station and have family members hold hands around the globe. Then have families pray for people in other countries—especially those who live in poverty, those who are persecuted, and for those who haven’t heard the good news of Jesus.

Looking for more outreach ideas for Families? Check out Group’s Team Family: Your Year-Round Guide for Intentional Family Ministry

6 thoughts on “7 Prayer Stations to Cover Your Community in the New Year

  1. Great ideas and will incorporate into our old year/ new year planning. As we all need to commit to protecting our environment, will not be using the release of helium balloons – so damaging to our wildlife. Perhaps a little paper pack of birdseed to share with feathered friends?

  2. Nassanga Margaret

    Thanks for the good work you are doing for the children, may God reward you abundantly.

    Would you be of help!. The homosexuality movement is luring lots of young people all over the world, spending lots of money on those they hook, giving them expensive, stylish gifts. I feel as Christians, we ought to up the game. In my country Uganda our children are getting hooked big time. I need support with children items to prepare a children centre. Iam preparing 2 rooms space for it. Hopefully by end of December it will be ready.

    Your support is welcome, be it a contact, anything.

  3. Children and youth for christ world mission

    Thank you so much may God bless you and your Team your ministry is a blessing to the world we celebrate you and your family, we joining you and your Team in prayer for our children and family also our community and our mission to the world we Love your ministry thank you. From Evangelical Charles A odigie, for children and youth for christ world mission.

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7 Prayer Stations to Cover Your Commu...

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