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Children’s Message and Craft: Feed the Chipmunk

Your kids will love this cute and clever chipmunk craft that’s also a game! We’ve even included a free template to make this craft easier!

You’ll need:

Scripture: Luke 12:16-21, Matthew 6:19-20

Children’s Message and Craft: Feed the Chipmunk

Say: Chipmunks are known for storing up food. In the wild, they need to do this to prepare for long winters where food may be in short supply. But even in captivity, where they get a steady stream of food, chipmunks pile their food in various hiding spots to store it up. In the movie “Alvin and the Chipmunks,” Alvin, Simon, and Theodore do this by hiding toaster waffles (with syrup) under the corner of carpets. This isn’t just for a laugh; chipmunks really do that!

Since chipmunks are so hungry, let’s make a “Feed the Chipmunk” craft and see how much food you can give your chipmunk.

Pass out supplies. Have kids each make a chipmunk by cutting out the Chipmunk template and following the directions to fold and glue it. Attach a paper or Styrofoam cup to make an open mouth.

Then have kids each take a few pebbles as pretend nuts. Have kids try to feed their chipmunks by tossing the pebbles into the mouth. Keep kids safe by making sure no one’s chipmunk target is near another child. After kids have played for a bit, read aloud Luke 12:16-21.


  • Based on this passage, what’s good or bad about the way chipmunks save their food?
  • What are some things people try to store up?

Read Matthew 6:19-20. Ask:

  • What can you do to focus more on the treasure that really matters, rather than accumulating stuff here on earth?

Say: Chipmunks are very preoccupied with making sure they have enough to eat. And sometimes people can be just as focused on storing up more and more possessions. When we focus on what really matters—a rich relationship with God—we don’t need to be rich with money. We know we’ll have all the treasure we need in heaven.

Looking for more craft ideas? Check out these posts!

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