Family Ministry Activity: Creating Family Timelines
Use this timeline activity to help families celebrate their journey with God and to reflect on his faithfulness in their lives over the years.
For each family, you’ll need:
- a 6-foot piece of bulletin board paper
- markers
- masking tape
- a Bible
Family Ministry Activity: Creating Family Timelines
In a large room, tape one piece of butcher paper to the wall for each family. Have each family work together to create a timeline of their journey with God using words, drawings, and Bible verses. Have families include marriages and birthdays as well as family milestones, such as when a child entered preschool or when the family moved. Then families can add fun memories and difficult times that affected everyone — illnesses or injuries, vacations, or changes in jobs or schools.
After families are finished with their timelines, have them discuss these questions:
- What are your family’s best memories? What are your future dreams for your family?
- How have you seen God moving in your family through the years?
- What difficult events have you overcome as a family? How did those events make you closer?
- How has your family experienced God’s faithfulness?
Then invite families to pray together near their timelines to thank God for being active in their lives, tell God about their hopes and dreams, and invite God to be a part of all that’s to come.
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