Mother’s Day: Free Sunday School Lesson for Elementary Kids
Mother’s Day wasn’t always an American holiday; but celebrations honoring mothers have taken place for centuries, including a holiday in 1600s England when early Christians celebrated a day honoring Jesus’ mother, Mary. That special day was later expanded to include all mothers. Today cultures everywhere celebrate moms and special women who serve as moms.
And that includes women in churches! Many children’s ministries take the day to celebrate moms. With this free Mother’s Day lesson, kids will honor their mothers and those special women in their lives as they recognize the blessings they give them.
Introduction: Mom Knows Me So Well
You’ll Need:
- Bible
- 5 items, each of a very different shape and weight, such as a pair of balled-up socks, a golf ball, a set of keys, a beach ball, and a Frisbee toy
Do This:
Read Matthew 6:26.
Say: On Mother’s Day, we celebrate moms. And if anyone deserves a celebration, it’s moms. Some days we ask our moms, “When will I eat?” or “What can I do?” or “What should I wear?” Our moms love us and know exactly what we need exactly when we need it. In fact, they might even know what we need before we ask. Take a minute to name all the things moms give us or do for us when we need it. Allow one minute.
Say: I’m going to give you a chance to see how much moms love us and how they give us everything we need.
Form a circle, and let each child say his or her name so others know it. Then toss one of the items around the circle in a pattern, saying the name of the person you’re about to toss the item to. Let kids get comfortable with the pattern—it should feel easy. After a few times around, add one more item. Toss the second item right after the first in a rhythm. After a few tries, add in another item…then another…and another! If a child drops the item, he or she picks it up quickly and continues the pattern. Play several rounds.
Talk With Kids:
Lead kids in this discussion.
- What was easy or difficult about this game?
- How is this game like or unlike what moms do for us?
- How can we thank our moms for all they do to take care of us?
Say: One thing moms are never too busy for is a hug! So be sure to give yours a good, long, heartfelt hug for Mother’s Day. God made moms!
Activity: Mother’s Day Word Collage
You’ll Need:
- Bible
- plain white paper
- construction paper
- scissors
- markers
- stick-on gems
Do This:
Distribute white paper and markers.
Then say: God made moms, and our moms are gems! Proverbs 31:10 says this about a good mom: “She is more precious than rubies.” Rubies are very valuable red jewels or gems. Our moms are special and precious to us. Take a few minutes to think of words that describe your mom, a grandmother or aunt, or another woman in your life who takes care of you. To help you get started, think of words that could finish this sentence: “My mom is…” Write those words.
Allow time.
Now we’re going to turn your word list into a super-cool word collage. You’ll need at least 12 words to make your picture look cool. The more words, the better it’ll turn out. Then we’ll put it in a picture frame and you’ll get to decorate the frame and give it on Mother’s Day.
When kids have their word lists, have them write the words in different sizes and colors on a piece of plain white paper to make a word collage.
Kids can cut frames out of colored construction paper for their word collages and then decorate the picture frames with stick-on gems.
Talk With Kids
Lead kids in this discussion.
- What words did you use to describe your mom, grandmother, or aunt?
- Why did you pick those words?
- How do the words you picked show that your mom is a gem?
Say: From the words you picked, I can tell you all have awesome moms or women who take care of you! God made moms—and yours are gems! So be sure to celebrate them for Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day Bible Lesson: The Best Mom
You’ll Need:
Do This:
Form small groups of kids. Then divide the verses of Proverbs 31:13-29 among the groups as evenly as possible.
Say: As we celebrate Mother’s Day, the Bible has a lot to say about women who are special to us. You each have Bible verses about awesome women. A lot of this passage talks about what moms did back in Bible times. Maybe moms today don’t do all those things anymore—but they do similar things. Your job is to read your verses and see if you can spot anything that reminds you of your mom or someone who’s like a mom to you. For example, verse 13 says, “She finds wool and flax and busily spins it.” Maybe your mom does some sewing, or maybe she takes you to buy clothes.
Allow time for kids to read and think about their verses. Then distribute paper and pens, and have kids rewrite their verses to better describe today’s moms.
Talk With Kids:
Lead kids in this discussion.
- What did you notice about how women’s roles have changed or stayed the same?
- What do you most appreciate about what your mom does?
When kids have finished, have them come up to the front of the room and stand in a line in order of their verses. Then go down the line, letting kids read the rewritten verses.
Mother’s Day Craft: Mom’s Coffee Sleeves
You’ll Need:
- Bible
- cardboard coffee cup sleeves (available at grocery stores and coffee shops)
- pens
- different colors of 9×12-inch craft foam sheets
- scissors
- markers
- assorted foam stickers
- ½-inch adhesive Velcro strips
Do This:
Read aloud Proverbs 23:25. Then say: Raise your hand if your mom works hard. Pause. Moms have a lot to do, and one thing many moms like is coffee—because it keeps them energized. So we’re going to make coffee sleeves for Mother’s Day gifts, to help our moms keep up their energy.
- Pull open the cardboard coffee sleeves, and use the cardboard as a template for kids to trace onto the craft foam. Then help the kids cut out their sleeve shapes.
- Have kids write a message on the coffee sleeves. For example, kids could write “Happy Mother’s Day” or “I Love You, Mom” and decorate the foam sleeves with foam stickers.
- Have kids stick Velcro strips on the ends of the sleeves so the ends overlap approximately ¾-inch and stick together. Encourage kids to take home their sleeves as a great gift for Mom.
In conclusion, pray as a group for all kids’ mothers. Pray that God will give mothers the energy they need to do all the things that keep them busy.
Want even more Mother’s Day help? Moms will love this special luncheon just for them. And don’t miss our checklist to make sure you’re ready for Mother’s Day! Plus, help your moms connect with this awesome curriculum just for mothers! Or you can check out this easy resource to get a moms ministry started.
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