Where Do I Find Great Volunteers for Special Needs Classrooms?
Finding volunteers called to service in special needs ministry may be one of your most difficult tasks. In my experience, I’ve found volunteers who are a great fit through the following people groups.
Where Do I Find Great Volunteers for Special Needs Classrooms?
Youth group kids
There are mature teenagers who make great volunteers. Serving gives them a role and an opportunity to become involved in their church community. Youth tend to be great at encouraging peer friendships, which is so important in a church family.
People in health care
Chances are if you have doctors, nurses, or therapists at your church, they’ve had experience working with children or adults with disabilities.
It may surprise you how well this group assists others, and some may even have a grandchild with a disability. Retirees also often have more time to invest into building a relationship with a child and his or her family. Their life experience and wisdom can be the greatest blessing to a family who needs to see God’s love and care at church.
Special education students
It’s okay to look beyond your church. Special education college students may benefit from the one-on-one time that a children’s ministry can provide. The best part is, if they don’t have a relationship with God, they’ll hear about him while they’re volunteering.
Disabled adults
There are many disabled adults who are fully capable of being one-to-one helpers. Who better to come alongside a family than someone who understands from personal experience?
Ellen Stumbo is the director of Disability Matters, where she encourages every church to embrace disability.
Want more volunteer management ideas? Check out these articles!
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