2 Preschool Bible Games: Zacchaeus, What Do You See? and Earthquake!
Use these two preschool Bible games with your preschool ministry. The first game goes well with a lesson on Zaccheaus and the second goes well with the story of Paul and Silas.
2 Preschool Bible Games
Preschool Bible Game: Zacchaeus, What Do You See?
Use this fun Bible Game: Zacchaeus, What Do You See? to help preschool children learn about Zacchaeus.
Have children sit facing an artificial tree. Place a step stool behind the tree but right next to it. Make sure to have children take turns being Zacchaeus looking for Jesus, pretending to climb the tree by standing on the stool and looking through the tree.
Have the child on the stool find an object in the room the others have to guess. Have him or her say, “I see something [the color of the object].” If someone guesses correctly, have that child take Zacchaeus’ place in the tree. If no one guesses correctly after three tries, have Zacchaeus tell the group what he or she saw. Then choose a new person to be Zacchaeus. Continue the game until everyone has had a turn in the tree.
When the game is over, discuss the following questions:
- What was it like to look out from a tree?
- What are some things you can do to look for Jesus?
- How can you help others see Jesus?
Preschool Bible Game: Earthquake!
Here’s a great Bible game: Earthquake! for teaching preschoolers about Paul and Silas.
Say: Let’s play a game of Tag to remember that God sent an earthquake to break Paul and Silas’ chains.
Choose one child to be the “jailer”—or tagger. Explain to kids that when they’re tagged, they must link arms with either the jailer or the previous person who was tagged to form a chain.
After a few minutes of play, yell out, “Earthquake!” When you do, everyone must stop and stomp their feet to make an earthquake rumbling noise. All of the kids who’ve been caught can break their chain and go free. But before they do, they must form a circle around the jailer and say, “God loves you.” Choose another child to be tagger for the next round and continue playing.
- What was it like to be chained together?
- God helped Paul and Silas by sending an earthquake. Tell about a time God helped you with a problem.
- The jailer wanted to know about God because Paul and Silas stayed in prison. What can we do to help other people learn about Jesus?
Looking for more ministry games? Check out these ideas!
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