Elementary Easter Game: Musical Jelly Bean Walk
Play this musical Easter Jelly Bean Walk with colored jelly beans to remind kids of the Easter message.
You’ll need:
- large, cut-out jelly bean shapes in the following colors: red, green, yellow, orange, blue, white, purple, and pink
- music
- individual bags of jelly beans with the same colors as above
- printouts of the color key below
Experience the Musical Jelly Bean Walk
Place colored jelly bean shapes in a large circle on the floor, one for every child in your group, minus one. Kids walk on the bean shapes until the music stops and one child is out. Continue to take away a jelly bean every round until one person is left. Afterward, give each child a bag of jelly beans that includes all the colors from the game, along with this key to remind kids that even Easter candy can help them remember the true meaning of Easter.
Red – the blood Jesus gave
Green – the grass he made
Yellow – the sun so bright
Orange – the edge of night
Blue – the sins we made
White – the grace Jesus gave
Purple – the hour of Jesus’ sorrow
Pink – the hope in our new tomorrow
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