Thanksgiving Service Idea: Love Challenge
With this Thanksgiving service idea: Love Challenge, kids discover how they can give love to others in different ways.
Scripture: “Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other” (1 John 4:11).
Thanksgiving Service Idea: Love Challenge
Every person has a special way of expressing and receiving love. Talk to your kids and encourage them to think about people close to them. Then have kids brainstorm different ways they can show love to others using ideas related to physical touch, quality time together, gifts, service, or kind words. Remind kids they can give love to others in many different ways, and have kids choose someone to show love to during the week. Use the following list as a starting point for ideas.
Physical Touch dancing, giving hugs, giving a foot rub
Quality Time taking a walk together, working on a puzzle, reading together
Gifts making a craft, drawing or taking a picture, making a bracelet
Service making a meal, assisting with a chore, helping clean
Kind Words writing a letter, creating a story about the person, reciting a poem
A great resource for encouraging children to find their love language and ways to serve others is A Perfect Pet for Peyton: A 5 Love Languages Discovery Book by Rick Osborne and Gary Chapman.
Want more ideas for Thanksgiving? Look at these ideas!