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Elementary aged boy looks excited over the top of a stack of presents he's carrying.
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Children’s Message: Does God Give Us Christmas Presents?

Use this children’s message: Does God Give Us Christmas Presents? to help children understand the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

Theme: God gave us his Son, Jesus. This is the reason we celebrate Christmas.
Bible Reference: Luke 1:31-32a; Romans 6:23b

You’ll need:

  • a Bible;
  • the baby Jesus from a nativity scene, wrapped in a box as a present;
  • and self-sticking bows.

Children’s Message: Does God Give Us Christmas Presents?

Say: Christmas is such an exciting time of year because we get to spend extra time with our families and we might even get some gifts!


  • What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever given someone?
  • What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?
  • Do you know about the Christmas present that God gave us?

Then say: I have a present here that will remind us about God’s wonderful Christmas present to us. Have a child open the wrapped box and take out the baby Jesus figure so all the other children can see.

Open your Bible to Luke 1:31 then say: The Bible says God sent Jesus as a gift to us. Luke tells us what God’s angel said to Mary when he first told her she was going to have a baby. Read Luke 1:31-32.

Say: Mary did have a baby named Jesus, and that’s the very reason we celebrate Christmas every year. Open your Bible to Romans 6:23b, then say: And the Bible says that Jesus is a gift from God. Read Romans 6:23.

Say: Isn’t that wonderful? God has given us such a precious gift in Jesus. Jesus is our way of living forever with God. That’s the best gift of all!

Then give each child a bow. You can put this bow on a gift you’re giving to someone, or you can keep it for yourself. However you use it, let it be a reminder to you that the very best gift we’ll ever get is God’s gift of Jesus.

Finally, conclude in prayer: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus as a gift to us. Sometimes gifts we give or get can take over the holiday so help us to remember that the reason for Christmas is Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Check out all our Christmas posts.

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Children’s Message: Does God Gi...

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