Bible Game: Focus on God’s Blessings (Matthew 7:7; Romans 2:7)
Use this Bible game: Focus to show kids that God’s blessings are everywhere — all they need to do is look.
Bible Connect: Matthew 7:7; Romans 2:7
You’ll need:
- paper,
- pens, and
- a tray of theme-related items such as office supplies, candy items, or craft supplies.
You’ll also need an assistant.
Bible Game: Focus on God’s Blessings
Give each child a piece of paper and a pen. Tell kids your assistant will walk around the room with a tray of items. Kids’ task is to write down what they see (be precise with your wording here). Have your assistant walk around the room with the tray, allowing ample time for kids to write down the majority of items on the tray.
Once kids have viewed the tray, have your assist-ant leave the room. Then tell kids they can use their notes or memories to answer questions. Ask questions related to the assistant such as: What color were his shoes? Was she wearing earrings? Was he wearing a watch?
Then call your assistant back into the room to reveal the answers. Kids will realize their focus on the tray contents was so narrow that they missed the obvious.
Ask kids to discuss things they focus on, such as fear, jealousy, or grades. Challenge kids to name things they may miss out on when they focus on one thing or only on the negative. Remind kids that when we focus on God first, we’re able to see all he’s blessed us with each day.
Carolyn Briles
Los Alamos, New Mexico
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