Elementary Bible Game: Just a Mask
This elementary Bible game, Just a Mask, will demonstrate to kids that how they look has little to do with who they really are.
You’ll need:
- paper plates (1 per child)
- markers, crayons, pens
- craft sticks (1 per person)
- masking tape
- craft supplies (optional)
Scripture:1 Samuel 16:7
Elementary Bible Game: Just a Mask
Give each child a paper plate. Set out markers, crayons, and pens for kids to share. You can also supply craft items such as yarn, glitter glue, and fabric scraps for kids to use, if you wish. Have kids each draw a face on his or her paper plate.
On the other side of the plate, have kids each write three things that they love. Finally, have kids each tape a craft stick handle to the back of the plate. Gather the masks, and scramble them in the center of the room. Have kids form a circle around the plates.
Let kids each choose a mask, making sure it’s not their own. Go around the circle and have each child read what’s written on the back of the mask. Let the rest of the class guess who the mask really belongs to.
Post-Game Discussion Questions
After playing the game, ask your students to sit down in groups of three and discuss:
- How was trying to guess which mask matched which person like Samuel trying to figure out which of Jesse’s sons God had chosen to be king?
- How is our outward appearance like a mask of who we really are?
- Do you think God cares how we look? Why or why not?
- How should we try to look at each other?
Encourage kids to take their masks home to remind them that God looks at the heart, not at our outward appearance.
For more crafts, check out Makerific WOWS!: 54 Surprising Bible Crafts (ages 3-7) and (ages 8-12). You can find even more ideas here.
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