How to Develop Your Love for the People in Your Life
“Do everything in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14). A hallmark of your career leading volunteers is your love for people; it’s your job to let Jesus’ love rub off on everyone you come in contact with. Here are five key relationships you must guard carefully and demonstrate your love for regularly.
Your Family
The best way to show your family you love them is to make time for them. I plan my time with my family before I plan the ministry calendar. Loving my family has not only brought me favor with my family, but it’s also brought me favor with my team. Those of us in ministry serve as role models for how we love our spouses and children. Loving my family has only helped my ability to influence others.
Your Pastor
A joy of my life is to serve my pastor. By serving the leader above you, you’re serving the leader at the very top. Loving your leader is the best modeling you can do for those around you — and for yourself. I expect my team to treat me the same way I treat my pastor.
Your Church Families
Parents love people who love their kids. And, I’ve found that kids always respond to love — grownup kids and little kids. Talk with and listen to your families. Never forget what it was like to be a child. Love kids (if you don’t, you have no business being a children’s minister). And demonstrate — don’t just talk about — your love and support for parents.
Your Team
Look for opportunities to build your team by being an efficient, caring leader. Make an effort to make others look good. Rejoice when God blesses team members. Be friendly and authentic. Carry on true conversations, not just small talk. Make timely, thorough communication a priority. Give people the tools they need to excel. Make policies and procedures plain and easy to follow. Evaluate constantly; say, show, and demonstrate your thanks and appreciation for a job well done. Invest your time in others. Support your team; pray for them and their families.
Everyone Else
Show Jesus’ love to people in the community you come in contact with. Stay in a good mood. Laugh and be happy. Look for opportunities to minister, counsel, and speak God’s Word as you “do life” with others. Invite people to your church; you can’t reach your city if you don’t have a relationship with it. Touch your world — and become a better leader — by authentically loving all you come in contact with.
Jim Wideman is the author of Volunteers That Stick (Group) and a children’s ministry speaker and consultant.
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