Children’s Object Lesson: Leftover Hurt and Anger (Ephesians 4:26)
An object lesson for elementary and preteen students that deals with anger and the power of forgiveness.
You’ll need:
- one inflated, tied-off balloon for each child.
Children’s Object Lesson: Leftover Hurt and Anger
Say: Raise your hand if you’ve ever been angry. Can you show me your angry face? I’m going to give you each a balloon that you can sit on and pop. Try to make an angry face while you pop your balloon.
- How did you feel when you popped your balloon?
- What’s left of your balloon?
Say: Let’s listen to God’s Word. Read Ephesians 4:26.
Say: If we go to bed mad enough to pop, there’s usually something left over in the morning from our anger. We may still be angry at our friends, or we may still feel yucky in the morning. God doesn’t want us to go to bed angry. God wants us to ask for forgiveness from any person we’ve hurt. And God also wants us to forgive anyone who’s made us mad enough to pop. That’ll make us feel better, too!
Let’s pray. God, help us forgive our friends who hurt us and ask our friends to forgive us. Amen.
Janice Long is a former editorial assistant for Children’s Ministry Magazine.
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