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A dad with a preschool daughter on his lap. They have their heads bowed and are praying.
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Children’s Ministry Father’s Day Devotion: Fit for a King!

Use this fun Father’s Day devotion to help kids celebrate fathers and recognize our Heavenly Father.


  • a Bible
  • shiny stickers
  • two 2X24-inch strips of yellow construction paper per child (note: for any preschoolers, tape the ends of two construction paper strips together to form ring crowns for each child who may not be able to do so on their own)
  • markers

Quick Prep: Make a sample crown beforehand. (See note in supply list.)

Scripture: Galatians 4:4-7

Father’s Day Devotion: Fit for a King!


  • What kind of father might wear a crown like this?
  • What would it be like to have a king for a dad?

Say: The Bible tells us something important about our Heavenly Father. (Read the Scripture.) According to these verses, who is our Heavenly Father?


  • How are our fathers and the special men in our lives here on earth like our Heavenly Father?

Distribute the supplies to create the crown and the shiny stickers. Say: Let’s make a special crown for our father or a special man in our life here on earth. Put a sticker “jewel” on this crown and finish the sentence, “I love you because you’re…” You might say, “I love you because you’re kind.” 

When kids are done decorating their crowns, say: On Father’s Day, we give our dads special presents. You can give your father or special friend this crown and thank him for being in your life.


  • What are some gifts we can give our Heavenly Father?

After kids discuss their ideas, say: Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us and giving us our fathers and the special men in our lives. You’re awesome, and we praise you for making us your children. Amen.

Looking for even more great ideas for Father’s Day? Check out all our Father’s Day posts.  

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