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An elementary boy sitting in a crowd of children. He has his arms out at his side participating in some dance moves. He is smiling joyfully at this fall fest, which is used as a VBS follow-up.
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9 No-Fail Vacation Bible School Follow-Up Ideas

Here are 9 no-fail VBS follow-up ideas you can use—from the creators of Group’s vacation Bible school!

Picture this: It’s summer, and vacation Bible school is over. You’ve gone through the rigors of selecting curriculum, recruiting and training volunteers, coordinating publicity, preparing crafts and songs, and buying truckloads (it seems) of snacks. Now you’re finished for another year. Right? Wrong.

It’s the time after VBS that’s the most crucial to your program’s success as an outreach tool. You need a follow-up plan to ensure that children—and their families—return to your church. Use these ideas to make this year’s VBS your Very Best Success.

1. VBS Adoption Kit

Make a kit with each child’s vital statistics: birthday, age, likes, interests, address, phone number, and family information. Then connect each child with a church family. Families can use the kits to get to know their “adoptees” throughout the year and encourage them to come to church and Sunday school.

2. VBS Reunion

Invite all the VBS children to a get-together every month or quarter. Make each reunion a wildly fun event that fits your VBS theme. For example, if you had a “treasures” theme, have a treasure hunt one time and a “treasures of the heart” auction the next where teams bid on treasured character qualities.

3. VBS Follow-Up Team

Before vacation Bible school begins, form a follow-up team of volunteers who’ll be very visible throughout the week as they get to know visitors. For example, they may do all the drama or lead the singing so children will identify with them quickly. Team members stop by each visitor’s home during the week and deliver a Special Guest Pack with a children’s Bible, homemade cookies, church information, phone numbers to call if children need a ride to church, and a T-shirt that says, “I’m Special to God,” with your church name printed in small letters.

4. VBS Part 2

A few weeks after your VBS, schedule a few more sessions so children who’ve committed their lives to Christ during VBS can learn how to keep growing spiritually. Have teachers explain what being a Christian means and how children’s lives will be changed. Also, prepare children to share their newfound faith with others and then conduct an outreach event for them to practice.

5. Shepherd List

Use your registration list to make follow-up “shepherding” visits to children’s homes. Ask children about their interests and any questions they may have about your church. Explain to children that they’re Jesus’ friends and that you’d like to be their friend too!

6. Parents Night

Build relationships with children’s parents by having a Parents Night during your VBS. Encourage children to invite their parents or older siblings who can attend either an adult Bible study or VBS activities. Also, always require parents to come inside to pick up their children so you can make contact with them.

7. Visitors Day

Have a designated Visitors Day during your VBS with an ice cream social afterward. Make special name tags to recognize visitors and their parents. Have a group hug before everyone leaves, and send colorful flyers home with families so they know what your church has to offer all age levels.

8. Mini Outdoor VBS

After your regular VBS program, set up a mini-VBS in a backyard or cul-de-sac. Use leftover materials and crafts. Put up flyers in the area beforehand to attract kids’ attention, and invite them to your church when you’re done.

9. Keep the fun going with a fall festival!

Fall festivals are not only a great VBS follow-up idea, but it’s also a great way to kick-off your school year. Kids love the fun games and activities, parents love the safe and fun environment—and you’ll love seeing kids learn more about Jesus.

Did you have kids decide to follow Jesus at your VBS? Notes From Jesus is the perfect follow-up gift to help them get to know and become life-long friends with Jesus!

Looking for even more great ideas for vacation Bible school? Check out all our VBS posts

6 thoughts on “9 No-Fail Vacation Bible School Follow-Up Ideas

  1. Joyce S Mallory

    Your suggestions are great. Many parents just drop their children off not knowing what their children are learning during their time in VBS.

  2. Do you have a follow-up pamphlet for kids who have prayed to received Christ??

    • Sierra Gomez

      Hi Cheryl! We don’t have an instant download for anything like this at the moment, however I will pass this idea along to our editors’.

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