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A group of kids outside smiling. The kids are all different heights and are diverse in ethnicity.
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Children’s MLK Day Devotion and Craft: Uniquely Made

Use this devotion to help kids appreciate each person’s God-given uniqueness. This is a perfect activity to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

You’ll need:

  • crayons (including multi-cultural skin-toned crayons)
  • scissors
  • clear adhesive tape
  • a Bible
  • copies of the unique person template (1 per person)

Children’s MLK Day Devotion and Craft: Uniquely Made


First, ask kids what makes them unique from others in the group and what characteristics make them similar.

  • Then give kids each a copy of the template, and tell them to create a unique person by filling in details such as hair, facial expressions, and clothing. Encourage them to color every part of the template.
  • Have kids each cut their person into three sections along the dotted lines.
  • Collect the pieces and redistribute them so each child gets three different body sections.
  • Have kids use tape to create their new people.


  • Describe what’s unique about your new paper “friend.”
  • What are things we can’t know about someone else by the way they look? Why are those “inside” things important?
  • What’s a unique “inside” thing people wouldn’t know about you by simply looking at you?

Say: Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that people wouldn’t judge—or make a decision about how valuable someone is—based on how they look on the outside. His dream is similar to how God sees us because God designed each of us uniquely—inside and outside. Read aloud Psalm 139:14.

Say: God wants us to celebrate and love our uniqueness because he does! Place your paper friend somewhere at home to remind you of the unique and wonderful qualities God has given to each of us.

For more children’s messages, check out The Humongous Book of Children’s Messages. This book is filled with more than 170 brief messages for a variety of holidays and topics. For even more ideas, check out these posts!

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