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Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Children’s Ministry Leaders

The new year is upon us and it’s time to start making New Year’s resolutions. Maybe you’re planning to exercise more, eat healthier foods, or learn a new skill.

Whatever resolutions you decide on for yourself, don’t forget to set some goals for your ministry! Here are our top 10 New Year’s resolution ideas for children’s ministry.

#10. Stop snacking on Goldfish crackers from the kids’ snack stash. (Or at least don’t eat them until after noon.)

And if you break this one? It’s okay. We love Goldfish!

#9. Appreciate the little wins.

It can be easy to focus on what’s not going well in your ministry. But that will only leave you discouraged! Each week, thank God for one thing that went well in your ministry. Did all your volunteers show up? Thank you, Jesus! Did one of your most rambunctious preschoolers tell his parents the entire Bible story? Wow! Thanks, God! You are making a difference—don’t miss that!

#8. Finally get all that glitter out of the carpet…

…somehow. This is probably the New Year’s resolution of your custodial team, too. Maybe you can tag-team your resolve and get it done!

#7. Read five books to equip me in children’s ministry.

Here are a few we recommend:

#6. Toss all the dead markers.

Or maybe just leave them in hopes Jesus resurrects them.

#5. Take an online course.

Training keeps us sharp. Enrichment makes us (and our ministries) stronger and more effective. And it’s never been easier to find online training, webinars, podcasts, or even certification programs. For this New Year’s resolution, check out Group U’s rich selection that’s tailored specifically for children’s ministry.

#4. Redecorate the kidmin area.

Hit a wall with how to liven up your space? Here are a few helps to get you over the hurdle. We’ve even rounded up ideas to stretch your budget! Or, checkout all the many posters available on

#3. Get the VBS songs from 2024 out of my head (but learn the 2025 songs)!

Sure, you want kids to have praise songs looping in their brains. But you didn’t count on those earworms sticking around with such staying power. No worries—you’ll be excited for a fresh batch of VBS music. Are you as excited for True North VBS as we are? Get ready to show kids how to trust Jesus in a wild world!

#2. Get to know my volunteers better.

You know they’re the backbone of your program, but sometimes it’s hard to connect. Sunday mornings are busy! Here are some great tips for valuing your leaders and accomplishing your New Year’s resolution.

#1. Pray for the kids in my ministry every week.

Prayer is one of the most powerful ways to love and guide kids. But too often we’re busy with the details—finding volunteers, rounding up supplies, training the team, going to meetings, and putting out fires. Put prayer back at the heart of ministry! Talking with Jesus about each child will transform every Sunday. Try these ideas to make prayer a regular rhythm in your ministry.

As you resolve to make ministry meaningful, you’re not alone. God’s in this with you. And with your New Year’s resolutions, the team at Group is here to cheer you on, as well.

Here’s to 2024!

Want more New Year’s ideas? Check out these articles!

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Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Chi...

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