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4 Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks for Your Children’s Ministry

Spring has sprung! Have you started your spring cleaning yet?

Spring is here! It’s time for a change and for organization. What’s better than a good spring cleaning? Whether it’s dusting the cobwebs from out of the corners or a complete craft room remodel, we’re here to help. Here are four tips and tricks to use to give your ministry a makeover.

Spring Cleaning Tip 1: Lifehack your craft room.

You can find some of the neatest tricks over at The site features neat life hacks, usually repurposing old items. Even if it’s designed for another project, you can always draw inspiration from their ideas. How about attaching clothespins to a wall to allow for a craft drying area? Or organizing your toys so kids can easily get to them? Here’s a space saver: Look to your closet doors for more space. There’s no need for new plastic bags when you can reseal the old ones using an iron. And my favorite lifehacker tip: little tennis ball people who will hold your small items.

Spring Cleaning Tip 2: Make the most of your space.

Who wouldn’t love some extra space in their ministry? Deb Vos is a master of transforming spaces, and her tips can help you make the most of what you have. Her article has some great ways to overcome cramped quarters. She will help you get rid of the old and bulky items in your room, give your furniture function, and turn your room into a space that meets your needs.

Spring Cleaning Tip 3: Clean everything!

While you’re moving furniture around, make sure to clean your rooms. Martha Stewart has a checklist on her website that you may find useful. If you get volunteers to help you out, give each team a kit stocked with all the cleaning supplies they need so they can do their job and do it fast. Play upbeat music to keep everyone energized. And make sure to check expiration dates and smoke detectors while you’re at it.

Spring Cleaning Tip 4: Give your class “class.”

Say goodbye to a blah classroom with these 19 quick and cheap makeover ideas. From do-it-yourself mini-beanbags to glow-in-the-dark paint, these tips will grab your kids’ attention. Our favorite tip: If you have an old, uncarpeted floor and no money for a new rug, paint it!

Want more articles for children’s ministry leaders? Check these out.

2 thoughts on “4 Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks for Your Children’s Ministry

  1. The website that you were getting cleaning and organizing tips has vulgar language in their comments/community discussion section and also vulgar language in the advertising banners that were on their site (specifically an article about the president and LGBTQ community). Just thought you should know that’s what other church people are seeing when they go to that site.

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