Top 10 Things Parents Value About Your Children’s Ministry
The top 10 things parents value about your children’s ministry, from our exclusive research.
10 Things Parents Value About Your Children’s Ministry
1. Safe and Fun Environment
Parents’ first question for kids after class or a program is “Did you have fun?” but rest assured that their number one concern is that their child is safe in your care.
2. Spiritual Growth Opportunities
Make no mistake: Parents want their kids to grow closer to Jesus in your ministry.
3. Age-Appropriate Materials
Parents trust you to determine what that is, but they understand the importance of a good curriculum.
4. Relationships With Other Kids
This is especially true in areas where kids don’t attend school together. Parents want their kids to have friends who share their values and church is a great place for that.
5. Consistency in Teachers
It’s comforting to parents to see the same faces week after week—because it makes it easier for their children.
Parents today highly value their children serving and growing in character by giving.
In our research, this is the number one way children’s ministers define their “family ministry.”
8. Celebrating Faith Milestones
Parents appreciate training and celebration surrounding key faith milestones in their children’s life. This is a great opportunity to come alongside parents to help faith permeate all of family life—far beyond a ministry hour on Sundays. Group’s Group U course, Partnering With Parents to Build Faith in Families gives a great insight on how to do this.
9. Social Events
Parents want to have fun with other families from church.
10. Parent Seminars
That’s right: number 10. Meaning, they probably won’t attend that often, but they see its value.
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