Elementary Science Object Lesson: Real Rainbows, Real Promises
Help your kids trust in the promises of God by using a little science to create a real rainbow!
You’ll Need:
- Bible,
- 4×6 card,
- scissors,
- transparent tape,
- drinking glass full of water, and
- sheet of white paper
Elementary Science Object Lesson: Real Rainbows, Real Promises
Cut a ½ inch vertical slit in the center of the card.
Tell the story of Noah and the ark, or read it from Genesis before the activity. Then read aloud Genesis 9:13-15 and say, “When we see a rainbow, we can remember that it stands for a promise from God to us. To help us remember God’s promise, let’s make our own real rainbows.”
Tape the card with the vertical slit to one side of the glass. Set a sheet of white paper on a flat surface near a window, and place the glass of water on it so the sun shines through the water in the glass and onto the white paper. A spectrum of colors should appear on the white paper. You may have to adjust the glass a bit to get the best color spread.
- What caused the sun shining through the glass to form a rainbow?
Say: When the light shines through the glass, it’s bent by the water. When light rays are bent, it causes them to separate into their different colors. In the same way, the moisture in the air after a storm causes the sunlight to be bent into rainbows in the sky. God uses rainbows as a reminder of the promises he made to us.
- How do you remember promises you make to other?
- Has God ever forgotten his promise to you?
- Has God ever not taken care of your needs?
- What are some promises you can make to God?
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