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A family takes a goofy photo during a Fall Fest.
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3 Things to Think About in Planning a Fall Festival

Fall events and festivals are right around the corner—or they might here and now! Here are three things to consider as you dip your toes into the planning process.

3 Things to Think About in Planning a Fall Festival

Think BIG!

You’ll have your hands full planning your Fall Festival, so recruit someone to take care of publicity—and only publicity. This is one of the biggest efforts, so handing it off to someone who thrives in connecting with others is a fantastic way to free yourself up for other preparations.

Ensure your publicity person contacts schools, daycare centers, homeschool networks, radio stations, and any other avenues for getting the word out. Consider peppering the neighborhood around your church with door-hangers containing all the details. Hang signs at the library and community center. (The flip-side to spreading the word is that you have to be ready if those crowds do show up. It’s better to be overprepared than to turn people away.)

Plan…Then Plan Some More!

There are lots of moving pieces in a successful Fall Festival, and it’s good to have everything in one list or spreadsheet. Consider what you need to get organized and just what all your moving pieces are. What activities are you going to offer? What supplies will you need for those activities? Who can help you gather or invite donations of those supplies? How many volunteers will you need? Do you need to get more people background checked? Will you serve a meal or snacks? How will you publicize? Start jotting down your initial needs and then build some tables in Word or Excel to capture details and then share them with helping hands.

Let someone else do the work for you.

Okay, we can’t help you pull the whole thing off, but we can make it so you don’t have to create a Fall Festival from scratch. Check out this post featuring 90 ideas for a Fall Family Festival. You can pick, tweak, and then implement the ideas that fit your ministry and budget. And don’t forget the work God is already doing and will do through your event. Take time to pray and invite God’s power to do incredible things in the lives of each person who attends your event.

Need more fall fest info? Then check out these posts!

3 thoughts on “3 Things to Think About in Planning a Fall Festival

  1. Phylis khayanje

    Smart, am planning retreat for my kids, they are 26. We will go and have fun, recite memory verse and share snacks wit them.

  2. Where is the kit? I am helping this year and will be taking over next year for a large festival at my church. 3 days over 3k attendance

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