Family Christmas Activity: Nativity Kit
Families often build gingerbread houses at Christmastime. But have they ever created a tasty nativity scene? Lead this experience with families to help them better understand why Jesus is the reason for the season. Families will love this Christmas Nativity Snack!
For each kit, you’ll need:
- 4 large pretzel rods
- 2 graham crackers
- 1 Hershey Treasure candy
- 1 Tootsie Roll candy
- 2 pretzel sticks
- 1 marshmallow
- 5 animal crackers
You’ll also need:
- wax paper
- can of frosting
Building Your Christmas Nativity
Without using the frosting or any other supplies, encourage your family to try to build a barn using the four pretzel rods as posts and the two graham crackers as a roof.
After the families have had a hard time building a nativity without frosting, lay out wax paper and spread frosting on it. Stick the pretzel rods in vertically, making sure there’s enough frosting around them to secure them in place. Use frosting to glue the graham cracker roof on the pretzel rods.
Set up a nativity scene inside the barn, using the Hershey Treasure as a manger. Use frosting to secure the Tootsie Roll on the manger as baby Jesus. Place the two pretzel sticks (Mary and Joseph), the marshmallow sheep, and the other animals (animal crackers) in the frosting base, using extra frosting as needed.
- Why was the frosting so important to this snack?
- Why is Jesus so important to our lives?
Say: Just as we needed the frosting for our snack, we need Jesus to hold our lives together. He came at Christmas to be born for us and live for us. At Easter, he died on the cross because he wants to have a forever friendship with us in heaven. Now that’s a reason to celebrate!
Enjoy your nativity snack together.

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