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A preschool girl balances on one foot. She is wearing bubble wrap around both feet. The bubble wrap has been dipped in blue paint and she is walking across white paper.
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3 Easy, Jesus-Centered Preschool Activities to Share With Families

These three easy preschool activities will help you focus your preschoolers and families on the most important thing: Jesus.

1. Foot Washing Art

Use this active craft project to help kids learn about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. Arrange to work with only one or two children at a time for this project. Have the children remove their shoes and socks. Wrap an 8×8-inch square of bubble wrap around one or both of each child’s feet; secure the bubble wrap with tape at the top of kids’ feet.

Sponge brush the bottoms of their wrapped feet with washable blue paint. Let the kids “stamp” their feet onto large sheets of paper to make bubbles.

Afterward, dispose of the used bubble wrap and clean kids’ feet with wipes.


  • Where are places we see bubbles?
  • Why do you think Jesus washed his friends’ dirty feet?

Laure Herlinger
Saukville, Wisconsin

2. Finding Jesus

To help kids understand Mary’s reaction when Jesus appeared to her after the resurrection, play this game with them. You’ll need to wear a jacket, scarf, or cardigan over your clothes. Show kids a small picture of Jesus.

Have kids put their heads down and close their eyes while you tape the picture to your shoulder under your jacket, scarf, or cardigan.

Tell kids to go find Jesus and yell “Rabboni!” when they see him, as Mary did. As kids start looking around the room, subtly pull back your jacket to make the picture visible. When kids find him, say: You didn’t expect to find Jesus’ picture on my shoulder. Mary didn’t expect to find Jesus at all! She thought he was still dead. What a surprise for her to hear his voice and see him walking around!

Janet Reeves
Temple, Texas

3. Healing Mud

This Bible experience uses household materials to make a healing “mud” that reminds kids about Jesus’ healing. You’ll need:

  • a Bible
  • a measuring cup and spoon
  • olive oil
  • baking soda
  • salt
  • a small container with a lid for each child


  • Tell about a time you played in the mud.

Give each child a small container. Say: We’re going to play in the mud while we hear about how Jesus used mud to heal a man.

Pour 1⁄4 cup of olive oil, 1⁄2 cup of baking soda, and a tablespoon of salt into each container. Let the kids use their hands to mix the ingredients while you read aloud John 9:1-7.

Say: This looks like white mud, but you can put it on your scratches and boo-boos to help them get better. It can remind you that Jesus used mud to help the blind man see—but be sure you don’t put it in your eyes!

Karen Pennington
Panama, New York

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3 Easy, Jesus-Centered Preschool Acti...

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