Church Thanksgiving Celebration: Kid-Made Table Dressings
Your kids can make a valuable contribution to your church Thanksgiving celebration by preparing Thanksgiving Table Dressings three weeks in advance.
Church Thanksgiving Celebration: Kid-Made Table Dressings
Three Weeks from Thanksgiving: Decorate Placemats
Have kids paint paper placemats in the harvest colors for the Thanksgiving table. Use ears of uncooked, husked corn with holders on each end, one ear for each color paint. Spread newspapers over the workspace. Show kids how to roll the ears of corn through paint poured in cookie sheets with a lipped-edge. Then blot the corn on an extra sheet of paper, and have them roll the corn over the placemats. Let each child use several colors of paint to complete a placemat.
Two Weeks from Thanksgiving: Give Thanks
Spread all the dry placemats around the work area. Have children roam around writing or drawing various things they’re thankful for on different placemats. These will be a great reminder on your Thanksgiving table.
One Week from Thanksgiving: Set the Thanksgiving Table
Have children create napkin rings by tying dried corn husks around dinner napkins. If possible, allow the kids to set the tables for the celebration.
If your church doesn’t have a Thanksgiving meal, kids can host a “pumpkin pie-fest” as a fundraiser or service project the week before Thanksgiving, or they can donate the table decorations to a homeless shelter or food program.
Check out all these great ideas for Thanksgiving.
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