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Free Preschool Game: God Helps Us Be Brave

In this free preschool game, kids build up and knock down cup towers as they discover how God helps us be brave.

Bible Passage: Joshua 1:1-11; 5:13–6:27

Bible Point: God helps us be brave.

God Helps Us Be Brave

God’s promises never fail. And when God is asking us to take hold of a promise he’s given us, we can be brave because no matter what it takes, God will come through. The Israelites were up against a fortified city, but they followed God’s directions just as he gave them, and they entered the land God had promised to give them.

What has God promised you? Take a moment today to consider what it means to follow God’s instructions as you step into that promise. Choosing to move forward God’s way will give you the courage and strength you need.

Free Preschool Game


  • cups
  • balls

Form teams of four. Half the teams line up along one wall, and the other teams line up along the opposite wall.

Give each team cups and a ball, and have teams work to build cup towers.

Once towers are built, team members take turns rolling balls across the room to knock down another team’s tower. The other team then rolls the ball back to knock down the tower on the opposite side of the room.

Encourage kids to keep building and take turns rolling the ball.

Say: God had a plan for the Israelites to move to a new place, but first they had to knock down a wall. God’s power helped them be brave as they marched around that wall. God helps us be brave when we follow him, too.

This free preschool game comes from Group’s Simply Loved Sunday school curriculum. Simply Loved lessons are designed to foster relationships, and they use minimal supplies in innovative ways. For even more preschool games, check out these posts!

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