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Easter Snack for All Ages: Good News Bouquet

For this Easter snack, kids create edible bouquets as they discover how Jesus gives new life!

Scripture: Romans 6:7-10

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • clear plastic cups
  • Chex Mix
  • marshmallows
  • kabob skewers
  • bowls
  • white frosting
  • plastic knives
  • colored sprinkles or confectionary confetti
  • green construction paper
  • scissors
  • tape

Make the Easter Snack

Say: Spring is a time when we remember life. Trees sprout leaves and animals that were hibernating come out. And most importantly, at Easter, Jesus came back to life!


  • Name things that are alive.
  • How do you know those things are alive?

Say: One thing that dies every winter but comes back to life in the spring is a flower. Let’s make some edible flowers. Set out the ingredients for the Easter snack. Place frosting and confetti or sprinkles in bowls.

Help kids fill the clear plastic cups with Chex Mix. Then have kids stick a marshmallow on a kabob skewer and then use a plastic knife to spread frosting on the marshmallow. Help younger children with the skewer and frosting. Then let kids roll the frosted marshmallow in the sprinkles or confetti, creating the flower and stem. Have kids place the flower in the cup and make two more like it.

Give kids green construction paper and have them cut leaves and tape them to the skewer stems. For younger kids, simply tear small scraps of green paper and help kids tape them onto the stems.

Alive in Jesus

Let kids enjoy their Easter snack as you read Romans 6:7-10.

Say: Our flower can remind us that Jesus took care of our sin problem when he died on the cross and came back to life. Because Jesus came back to life, we can have a new life, too. We may still struggle with choosing God’s way all day every day, but even when we mess up, God loves us and forgives us. Sin doesn’t have the last word—God does!


  • How can you tell if someone is alive in Jesus?

Say: People who are alive in Jesus rely on Jesus to help them share God’s love with everyone they meet. They are free and happy because sin doesn’t control their lives anymore. It’s amazing!

Let’s pause and silently thank Jesus for his love and forgiveness. Tell Jesus one thing you need help with this week.

Allow a few moments.

Pray: Dear God, thank you for loving us. Jesus, thanks for making a way for us to be forgiven friends with God. Thanks to you, sin is no longer in charge of our lives—you are. Thanks for giving us new life and new friendship with you. Amen.

For more fun and faith-filled Easter ideas, check out Easter Extras: Faith-Filled Ideas for Easter Week. This short book is full of Bible-based, multi-sensory experiences to help kids explore Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Looking for more Easter snack ideas? Check out these posts!

2 thoughts on “Easter Snack for All Ages: Good News Bouquet

  1. Mike Salazar

    Do you have material/lessons on Bible Characters?

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Easter Snack for All Ages: Good News ...

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