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Two teachers laughing as they participating in a teacher training on creating clear messages.
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Teacher Training Object Lesson: Creating Clear Messages

This teacher training object lesson, Creating Clear Messages, will help teachers understand the learning styles of the children they teach.

Point: Understanding children’s learning styles
Scripture: Psalm 49:3

You’ll need:

  • 1 clear bowl
  • 4 clear cups with a different color of water in each (red, yellow, green, and blue)
  • 1 cup of diluted bleach for each group

Teacher Training Object Lesson: Creating Clear Messages

Give your teachers examples of learning styles, such as visual, kinesthetic, and auditory.

Form groups of four and give each person either a cup of green, yellow, red, or blue water. Place an empty bowl in the center of each group.

Ask your teachers to identify which learning style most represents their teaching style, and have them share examples of how they use a particular style to teach. As each teacher talks, he or she pours the colored water into the bowl. The water should become very dark. Once everyone has given his or her style of teaching, have each person in the group hold the bowl of colored water and look through it.


  • How easy or difficult is it to see through your group’s water?
  • How is this like or unlike how our teaching styles may look to children who learn differently?

Have one person from each group add the bleach to the water.



  • What happened when the colors mixed?
  • How is this like or unlike how kids understand information when it’s presented in a way other than how they learn best?
  • What happened when bleach was added to the murky water?
  • How can we make our messages clear to kids who learn in different ways?

Say: We can have all the Bible knowledge in the world and a preferred way of teaching, but if we don’t teach with a variety of learning styles in mind, the message won’t be clear. Let’s work to expand our teaching styles to meet kids right where they are with Jesus’ love.

Give teachers a bottle of water with the message: “Thanks for keeping it clear!” Have teachers choose a learning style they’re unfamiliar with and practice teaching in that style in class the following week.

Pray: Dear God, thank you for creating each child in a unique and wonderful way. Help us put them and their needs first as we teach them your way. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

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One thought on “Teacher Training Object Lesson: Creating Clear Messages

  1. Christopher Livingston


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