5 Christmas Service Ideas Kids (and Their Families!) Can Do
One of the most treasured gifts you can give another person is a joyous memory. So this holiday season, we’re giving you five memory-making Christmas service activities that children and families alike will love.
Use these ideas to make unforgettable memories. Celebrate with family, celebrate with those in need, celebrate giving, and most importantly — celebrate Jesus!
Extend a little holiday cheer to church visitors during the Christmas season with this special gift from the kids in your ministry.
Christmas Service Idea 2. Card Connection
Take rubber stamps and supplies for Christmas cards to a local homeless shelter. Provide stamps and envelopes so residents can mail the cards to friends and relatives.
Christmas Service Idea 3. Carols and Cookies
Take families to a nursing home to sing Christmas carols and serve cookies. A few families can even bring dogs to visit those who couldn’t come to the gathering room.
Christmas Service Idea 4. Bingo
At a senior center, get a group of families together to play bingo with the residents and serve root beer floats.
Christmas Service Idea 5. Food for Everyone
Have families go door-to-door collecting food for a local food bank.

Looking for even more service/outreach ideas for families? Check out Team Family: Your Year-Round Guide for Intentional Family Ministry. This resource is packed with seasonal ideas for reaching and engaging today’s families. Including event ideas, family worship service scripts, and outreach ideas.
Check out all these Christmas ideas! And for even more ideas for your children’s ministry and daily posts of inspiration for you and your team, follow us on Facebook.
Looking for affordable Christmas resources? Check out Group’s Christmas worship music here. You can also browse Group’s Christmas shop for a variety of fun supplies.
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