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A group of three women brainstorm ideas for their children's ministry.
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2 Brainstorming Games for Your Children’s Ministry Team

Have you ever felt like your well of children’s ministry ideas has run dry? These two creative brainstorming games will have your team overflowing with ideas in no time. 

2 Brainstorming Games for Your Children’s Ministry Team

Crayon Grab

Take a box of Crayola crayons (the box of 64 works best), and dump them in the middle of your group. Have everyone talk together to choose one crayon for the group. Whatever the name of the color is becomes the theme for your brainstorming session. For example, “Robin’s Egg Blue” can transform into a children’s message series called “The Birds of the Bible”the dove with the Ark, the quail in the wilderness, the raven in the desert, and so on.

Socks Away!

For this one, you’ll need a ceiling fan and a lot of old (but clean) socks—ones you aren’t going to wear. Use permanent markers to write random nouns on half the socks: plate, bike, baseball bat, hammer, shoe, hot dog, and so on. On the other half, write words that have something to do with God, the Bible, or Jesus: faith, prayer, healing, hope, and so on. Mix them up, turn the ceiling fan on high, take handfuls of socks and throw them into the fan. The socks will shoot all over the room—grab three or four and start brainstorming lesson ideas and more! “How is faith like a bike? A bike has lots of moving parts, some we don’t even understand the function of. But we have faith they’ll all work together when we ride. Have faith that God is working in ways that you can’t even see!”

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2 Brainstorming Games for Your Childr...

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