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Two girls washing their hands around a bowl as a ministry volunteer hands them a paper towel to dry their hands with.
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Children’s Message: Washed Clean


Use this children’s message: Washed Clean with children ages 6 to 8 to help them understand that God cleans our sins and makes our hearts brand new.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible
  • 1 large sponge per child
  • markers
  • scissors

Children’s Message: Washed Clean

First, set out the supplies. Then instruct your kids to draw a shape such as a heart or a star on the sponge with a marker. Then have kids cut along the line to end up with a fun-shaped sponge. (For younger kids, you can buy shaped sponges and skip this step.)

Read aloud 1 John 1:7-9. Ask kids what they think it means that God cleans us from wickedness. Then lead kids in singing a song to the tune of “The Mulberry Bush” while pretending to wash all over with their sponges.

This is the way God cleans our sins, cleans our sins, cleans our sins.
This is the way God cleans our sins and makes our hearts brand new.

Encourage your kids to take their sponges home and sing the song in the shower or bath to remind them to seek God’s forgiveness whenever they need it this year.

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Children’s Message: Washed Clean

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