Children’s Message: Walk Through Walls
In this children’s message: Walk Through Walls, kids will transform a simple piece of paper into something they can step right through!
At Halloween, all sorts of zombies arise in costume. But we know there’s only one true Savior who can raise people from the dead—the greatest Tomb Raider of all: Jesus.
Children’s Message: Walk Through Walls
You’ll need:
- A Bible,
- 11×17 sheets of paper (1 per child),
- and child safety scissors.
Show kids the sheet of paper and ask them if they think they could miraculously walk through it. Then show children how to cut the paper so they can walk through it (here are directions on how to cut the paper), using the steps on the right.
Read Luke 24:1-9 about a genuine miracle.
- What surprised you about this game?
- Why do you think the women were so surprised by Jesus’ miracle?
Kids will want to do this over and over as they discover that only Jesus can do the miraculous! Let them take home their sheet of paper to show their family how to walk through walls.
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