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A female children's ministry volunteer is leading a small group of children.
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4 Great Reasons to Start Small Groups in Your Children’s Ministry

As a children’s ministry leader interested in connecting with kids, perhaps you’ve wondered if your children’s ministry might have room for small groups. Here are four reasons to try this type of ministry today.

4 Great Reasons to Start Small Groups in Your Children’s Ministry

1. Small Groups Focus on Relationships

We must move beyond “dump truck” teaching that focuses solely on dispensing information. Groups of four to eight children create a safe space for kids to share their thoughts, feelings, doubts, and fears. Your kids have spent all week at school absorbing information. This is a chance for them to be actively engaged in the spiritual learning process.

2. Leader Connection to Kids

Small groups give your leaders a chance to really get to know their kids. It’s difficult for our leaders to even learn the names of 15 or 20 kids, let alone enter into their worlds. Even Jesus spent the majority of his time focusing on a group of only  12.

3. Engaging Shy Kids

Small groups allow kids to be actively engaged. Many kids in your church are introverts by nature. If they’re in a group larger than seven or eight, they’ll simply remove themselves emotionally from the conversation. They may hear what’s being said, but they surely won’t share their lives with their leader or the other kids.

4. Crowd Control

Other kids are extroverts who’ll do everything they can to steal the show in a large group setting. Perhaps you’ve wondered why, when Mr. Smigglesworth is expounding the mysteries of God’s Word to his 20 fourth graders, Johnny is on the table making armpit noises and Susie is behind him with rabbit ears. Try small groups as an effective crowd management technique!

This approach won’t solve all your problems, but they are the first step toward enabling your kids to truly get to know their leaders and each other. That’s when life-change really happens for kids and leader!

Group’s Easy VBS and Simply Loved Sunday school curriculum intentionally integrate small groups called crews into each lesson and experience. Specially curated crew activities help kids and their leaders grow closer to Jesus and each other !

Looking for more teaching tips? Check out these ideas!

One thought on “4 Great Reasons to Start Small Groups in Your Children’s Ministry

  1. Tadesse Fufa

    I want updated lessons every time

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4 Great Reasons to Start Small Groups...

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