3 Simple and Effective Preteen Bible Activities
These three preteen Bible activities will teach preteens in your ministry about being thirsty for Jesus, obeying God, and their God-given purpose.
3 Simple and Effective Preteen Bible Activities
1. Thirsty
Use this devotion to discuss Jesus’ living water.
You’ll need:
- a Bible,
- oyster crackers,
- paper plates, and
- cups of drinking water.
Give each preteen about 50 oyster crackers on a plate.
Say: You have 60 seconds to eat and swallow all of your oyster crackers without using your hands. Check for understanding, and then have kids try the challenge.
- What was this experience like for you? (Refrain from giving them water for at least a few minutes or until a few preteens ask.)
Give kids water, and then read aloud John 4:4-10.
- Jesus said that his living water will keep us from thirsting. What do you think he means?
Say: Think about being desperately thirsty. Pause. Ask:
- Explain whether you’re desperately thirsty for Jesus’ living water, and why.
- What things do you look to for satisfaction, other than Jesus?
- How can a relationship with Jesus satisfy you like nothing else?
Donna Simcoe
Fort Collins, Colorado
2. Angels Versus Donkeys
Use this experience to discuss obedience to God.
You’ll need:
- a Bible and
- inflated balloons.
Read aloud Numbers 22:21-27.
Form two groups: the Angels and the Donkeys. Have the Angels and Donkeys stand against opposite walls. Pile balloons in front of the Donkeys. Say: The balloons represent Balaam.
Say: Donkeys, it’s your job to bop “Balaam” past the Angels. Angels, keep Balaam from passing you. Establish a line about 3 feet from the Angels’ wall that the Donkeys can’t cross. Let preteens play for a few minutes. Switch roles, and let kids play again.
Read aloud Numbers 22:28-34.
- What was it like to try to get Balaam past the Angels in this game?
- Tell about a time you felt “blocked” from doing something.
- Why might it be good for you to be blocked from doing some things?
- How can you move forward after doing the wrong thing?
Craig Wilson
Longmont, Colorado
3. Purpose Boards
This idea is a great way to reinforce Esther’s God-given purpose.
You’ll need:
- a Bible,
- markers,
- two manila folders for each preteen,
- tape,
- glue,
- magazines, and
- scissors.
Read aloud Esther 4:13-17, and then ask:
- How did Esther focus on God’s purpose?
- What things has God asked you to do?
Have preteens each tape two manila folders together to make a portable, folding purpose board. As they discuss Esther’s purpose, encourage them to consider ways God wants to work through them over the next year. Have them create their purpose boards using magazine clippings and markers to record their thoughts.
Andrea Hopgood
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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