Preteen Bible Game: Sharing Your Faith (Colossians 4:2-6)
Use the preteen Bible game to help teach children in your ministry the importance of sharing their faith with those around them.
You’ll need:
- Bibles,
- a jar filled with small candies,
- scrap paper,
- pencils, and
- a basket or bowl.
Preteen Bible Game: Sharing Your Faith
Give kids each a piece of paper and have them write down the disease or illness that scares them the most. Have them place the paper in a pocket so no one can see.
Form pairs, then have partners discuss these questions:
- Talk about a time you shared your faith with someone else.
- What makes it difficult for you to share your faith?
- Talk about a time you wanted to share your faith but didn’t.
Give kids each another piece of paper and have them write excuses for not sharing their faith, such as, “I’m too embarrassed” or “I’m afraid” or “I don’t know what to say.” Have kids fold their paper and place it in the basket or bowl.
Show kids the jar of candy. Say: Let’s pretend I have in this jar the wonder drug of all time. This medicine can cure even the most hopeless disease. And I’m the only person who has this medicine.
Have kids get their paper with the illness or disease they fear.
Say: Let’s pretend you’re dying of what you wrote on your paper, and in this jar, I have the cure.
Have kids line up. Have each child say: I’m dying of (disease on their paper). Can you help me? Answer each person by saying: I could, but…and then read an excuse from the basket.
After everyone has asked for help, ask:
- How is a miracle cure like believing in Jesus?
- Describe what it was like when I gave you an excuse rather than the medicine you needed.
- How is this experience like or unlike refusing to share your faith in Jesus with someone who needs to hear about him?
Read Colossians 4:2-6 and close in prayer.
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