Preteen Sunday School Lesson: Waiting for Christmas
Use this preteen Sunday school lesson for kids to teach them about how people were eagerly awaiting for the birth of Jesus and how we wait for Jesus today. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.
1. The Waiting Game
As kids arrive, tell them you have a special surprise for them, but it’s not here yet. Keep building up the surprise for at least five minutes as kids wait. Finally, have someone bring in refreshments. Then ask:
- How did you feel as you waited?
- Was it easy or difficult to wait? Explain.
- Was the wait worth it? Why or why not?
Read aloud Luke 2:1-20. Then ask:
- How do you think the people who had waited for Jesus felt when he was born?
- Was their wait worth it? Why or why not?
- Do we have to wait for Jesus today? Why or why not?
2. Hear Ye Bible Activity
Form pairs. Give each pair parchment paper and pens. Have children read Luke 2:1-20 and create birth announcements for Jesus.
Afterward, have kids show their announcements. Then ask:
- What’s the most wonderful announcement you’ve ever heard?
- What did the announcement of Jesus’ birth mean to people in those days?
- How does it impact us today?
3. Spackled Wrapping Paper
First, have kids cut out construction paper symbols such as a scroll, star, manger, angel or shepherd’s staff. Then have them arrange the symbols on large pieces of butcher paper. Using two spray bottles—each filled with half water and half tempera paint—have kids spray the paper. Let it dry. Then have kids remove the shapes and draw around the outlines with a metallic pen or sparkle paint to help the images stand out. Give each child a piece of the wrapping paper to take home.
4. Snack
Have children each bring several apples or oranges. Have sliced fruit and punch on hand.
Gather all your classes together and have children bring their unsliced fruit. Lay a sheet on the floor and use yarn to make a tree outline on the sheet. Have children work together to create a Christmas fruit tree within the outline.
Then serve fruit and punch!
Check out all these Christmas ideas!
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