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Preschool Object Lesson: Jesus Performs His First Miracle

In this preschool object lesson, kids discover Jesus’ first miracle as they experience water changing colors.

Scripture: John 2:1-12


  • flashlight with batteries
  • red cellophane (check the gift wrap section of hobby and discount stores)
  • rubber band
  • 8-ounce clear plastic water bottle with a lid (empty)
  • funnel
  • water

Easy Prep:

  • Place red cellophane over the end of a flashlight. Use the rubber band to hold it in place. Check that it shines with a red tint. If it doesn’t, add more layers of red cellophane.
  • Tape the bottom of the water bottle to the light end of the flashlight.
  • Remove the batteries from the flashlight and keep them on hand but out of sight.

Preschool Object Lesson

Say: Jesus has God’s power! He can do anything God can do. When someone’s sick, Jesus can make the person healthy. When there’s a storm, Jesus can make it stop. Let’s do something to help us think more about Jesus’ power.

Tell about a couple of things that give power, such as electricity or gasoline.


  • What are some things that have power?

Hold up the flashlight, and then have a few ids try to turn it on.

Say: A flashlight won’t work without batteries. A flashlight gets power from the batteries. If we put batteries in a flashlight, we can turn on the light. The batteries give power just like God gives power. Jesus gets his power from God.

Jesus Has God’s Power

Show kids the batteries, and have them watch while you put them into the flashlight. Darken the room as much as possible, but don’t turn on the flashlight yet.

Say: Because Jesus has God’s power, he changed water into a different drink. At a wedding, Jesus had servants fill big containers with water.

Carefully hold the flashlight as you pour some water through the funnel into the water bottle. Put on the lid. Point out that the water didn’t change like it did for Jesus.

Say: Jesus isn’t just an ordinary person like us. Jesus has God’s power. Let’s use the power in this flashlight to try to change the water. Turn on the flashlight so the cellophane gives the water a red tint. Let each child turn the flashlight on and off, and assist any kids who need your help.

Jesus’ Power in Our Lives

Say: Like the batteries give the flashlight power to make this water change colors, God gives Jesus power to do anything he wants or needs to do.

Share a couple examples of things Jesus can do with God’s power; perhaps one rooted in a Bible story and one that comes from your own experiences with Jesus.


  • What do you think Jesus can do with God’s power?

Share why you believe Jesus uses his power to take care of you.

  • What ways can Jesus use his power to take care of you?

Say: Jesus loves you, and you can trust him to use his power to take care of you!

This preschool object lesson comes from Group’s Sciency-Fun WOWS!: 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons for ages 3-7. In this resource, you’ll find Bible-related object lessons from DIG IN Sunday School that encourage kids to experiment with science fun while exploring the life of Jesus. This book is also available for ages 8-12! For even more object lessons, check out these posts.

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Preschool Object Lesson: Jesus Perfor...

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