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A child holding an ice cube during an Easter message on Jesus' suffering.
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Powerful Easter Children’s Message: Jesus’ Suffering

Use this Easter Children’s Message: Jesus’ Suffering in church or Sunday school to help children understand what Jesus did for them on Easter.

Theme: Jesus’ suffering
Text: Matthew 27:27-36, 45-50
Preparation: You’ll need two ice cubes and a paper towel for each child. Then dim the lights and play soft music in the background.

Powerful Easter Children’s Message: Jesus’ Suffering

Say: Today we’re going to do something to help us think about Jesus’ crucifixion on a cross.

Have kids each take an ice cube in each hand and rest their hands on a paper towel. Then read the Scripture. If this takes more than two minutes, have the children put down their ice cubes as you continue reading.


  • How did it feel to hold the ice cubes in your hands?
  • What did you want to do with the ice?
  • How do you think Jesus felt as he was crucified on a cross? Do you think he wanted to come down from the cross? Why or why not?
  • Why didn’t Jesus get off the cross instead of dying?

Say: I don’t think it was the soldiers who kept Jesus on the cross. I don’t even think it was the nails that kept Jesus on the cross. What kept Jesus on the cross was his love for you and you and you…(continue to point to each child). Jesus died on the cross because he wanted you to live with him forever in heaven. That’s pretty amazing love!

Finally, close by thanking Jesus for loving us and suffering for us.

Mary Kim
Schaumburg, Illinois

Looking for more children’s messages? Check out these posts!

3 thoughts on “Powerful Easter Children’s Message: Jesus’ Suffering

  1. Pretty powerful!!

  2. Dorothy Wilder

    A powerful message for children — but in times like these, this is a powerful message for ALL ages.


      Absolutely, Dorothy! We love the way that the Lord speaks to adults through Children’s Ministry, too!

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