Three Elementary Bible Games to Use During the Holidays
Looking for three elementary Bible games to use with your elementary kids during the holidays? Try these ideas!
Holiday Bible Game 1. Got What You Need
Use this devotion to help kids reflect on thankfulness.
You’ll need:
- a Bible,
- markers,
- index cards, and
- tape.

Say: On one card, draw a living thing, such as a kitten, a garden, or a fish. On a second card, draw something the living thing needs. For instance, kittens need love. A garden needs sunshine. Fish need water.
Tape the “living things” cards to the wall, and put the “needs” cards in a pile. Have preteens take turns drawing from the needs pile, matching cards to those on the wall and telling why the living things need what they chose.
- Why is it so important that these living things get what they need?
- What do you really need?
- How do you thank God?
Read aloud Psalm 126. Ask:
- Explain whether you thank God like the writer of this psalm did.
- What difference does it make that our thanks is genuine?
Steve Case
Winter Garden, Florida
Holiday Bible Game 2. Bible Game
Use this experience to celebrate the births of Jesus and John the Baptist.
You’ll need:
Say: As I read, you’ll play bingo. Listen for the words, and mark them on your cards when you hear me read them. When you get five words in a row, jump up and yell “Bingo!”
Read aloud Luke 1:39-45. As you read, emphasize the words you entered into the bingo card generator.
- How did you feel in this game?
- How was that like or unlike how baby John reacted while he was still in Elizabeth’s belly?
Say: Mary and Elizabeth were excited because God had kept his promises. Read Luke 1:46-56.
- Tell about a time you were excited to share good news.
- Why is the news of Jesus so exciting to share?
Emily Snider
Roseville, Michigan
Holiday Bible Game 3. Bringing Our Gifts
Encourage kids to use their talents for God in this game.
You’ll need:
- a Bible and
- 2 bags filled with 12 random objects each, such as a spoon, a paperclip, a hairbrush, and so on. The bags shouldn’t contain identical objects.
Form two teams, and give each team one of the bags. Say: In our game, I’ll announce a need. With your team, you’ll look through your bag to find the object you think would be most helpful. You’ll have 10 seconds. For example, you might say, “Fix a flat tire,” “Make dinner,” or “Cheer up a friend.”
Explain how in Exodus 35–36, the Israelites brought different gifts to help build the Tabernacle. Say: In the same way, we can use the things we have for God’s glory—money, service, or abilities.
- Tell about a time you did something special for God.
- What do you like about using your abilities for Jesus?
Christina Schofield
Rolla, Missouri
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