Video-Adaptable Children’s Message: Good Friday Experience
Use this powerful Good Friday Service experience to help children learn to serve one another.
Scripture: John 13:1-17
Objective: Children will serve one another.
Supplies: washcloth for each person
Time: 15 minutes
Preparation: Dampen a washcloth for each person.
Elementary + Preteen Message: Good Friday Service Experience
Read aloud John 13:1-17.
Give each child a damp washcloth. Tell kids to sit in a circle facing outward, next to someone they trust, and to place their washcloths on the floor in front of them. Darken the room as much as possible.
Say: Jesus wants us to serve others, even when that means doing unpleasant tasks for each other. Because of the way we’re dressed, it would be hard to wash each other’s feet. But let’s try to get a feel for what Jesus did.
Ask kids to sit in silence, eyes closed, and think about their own struggles for success. You may need to occasionally remind the group to remain silent.
After a few minutes, say: If you’ve ever wanted to be #1, open your eyes. Pause.
If you’ve ever said something bad about someone, look at your washcloth. Pause.
If you’ve ever been jealous of someone, pick up your washcloth. Pause.
If you’ve ever lied, use the washcloth to wash your left hand. Pause.
If you’ve rejected someone, wash your right hand. Pause.
Serving One Another
Now have kids form pairs with people next to them.
Say: If you think this person can be a successful servant in God’s eyes, wash his or her left hand. Pause.
If you think your partner can become more like Jesus, wash his or her right hand. Pause.
If you think this person continues to grow in learning to follow Jesus, give him or her your washcloth. Pause.
Say: Everyone can be a servant in God’s eyes. This week look for ways to serve others just as Jesus did.
Excerpted from Easter Extras. Click here to download this book of 24 ideas for just over $5.
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