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5 Signs You Need a Special Needs Ministry

As a busy children’s ministry leader, I often missed a lot that went on at church even when it was happening all around me—especially when it came to needing a special needs ministry. If you can relate, here’s an idea that might help. Recruit an assistant to follow you around for one purpose only—to take notes on what they see and hear. You may be surprised, as I was, by all you’ve missed, especially when it comes to children with special needs and their families.

5 Signs You Need a Special Needs Ministry

1. Parents are roaming the hall with their children in tow.

These parents constantly explaining their child’s needs to rotating volunteers in the classroom gets tiring. Kids with disabilities are more comfortable seeing familiar faces each week and having teachers take time to get to know them.

2. Some families are always late for church services.

Sunday mornings can be a challenge for children who don’t always sleep well and require extra time for eating and dressing. Families must be truly committed just to get to church, especially single parents with more than one child. Imagine their delight when special needs volunteers greet these families in the parking lot and help them get from their car to the classroom. This small act of love can be a tremendous blessing.

3. Children who may have special needs are more anxious or stressed in class.

Sensory input such as loud noises, bright lights, odors, and crowded spaces can negatively affect children on the autism spectrum. Trained volunteers who understand these children’s unique needs can restore calm so the teacher can teach.

4. It’s hard to recruit and keep teachers.

Teachers spend quality time preparing Bible lessons and get frustrated when children don’t seem to comprehend God’s truth. As public and private schools have discovered, a growing number of students have some kind of physical or intellectual disability, and adapting lessons and schedules to engage this diverse group will make learning (and teaching) more fun.

5. Families with special needs visit once or twice but don’t return.

Families are looking for a church with open arms. They are often isolated because social events are not designed to include children in wheelchairs or children with short attention spans, hearing impairments, restricted diets, and behavioral issues. Children and parents need acceptance and friendship so they can come to know our Savior, Jesus Christ. He always took time to care for those who were often overlooked, misunderstood, or undervalued and left us with specific instructions to invite those with special needs, “so that the [church] will be full” (Luke 14:21-23). Blessings will flow from welcoming everyone into the church.

I’ve been privileged to help launch a number of special needs ministries. These children and their families have been some of my most profound teachers, dearest friends, and greatest blessings. Give it a try—you’ll see!

Pat Verbal is an author and the editor of Special Needs Ministry for Children (Group).

Looking for more tips to understand special needs? Check out these articles!

5 thoughts on “5 Signs You Need a Special Needs Ministry

  1. I love this article. My granddaughter is on the autism spectrum and they have yet to find a church in TX that meets their family’s needs. It’s crazy.

    You know the much of the same thing could be said for single parent families – the part about always being late and wandering the hall with the kids in tow.

    Thanks Christine. Very thought provoking

  2. Toni Gipson

    I loved reading this article. It has been an on going battle to convince our pastor that we need a special needs ministry. We have several children with autism as well as other special needs who’s families are desperate for an environment that will comfort and bring Jesus to their children. I will not give up! Thank you for this article!

    • Christine Yount Jones

      Toni, praying for God’s favor in your desire to help special-needs families!

  3. ^ Interested in your posts about Children Ministry. I still pray that God may send out a Mission Team to Uganda that would equip and train some children ministers. I have worked in local villages where there are many un trained Sunday School Teachers/ Children Ministers but they are thirsty to be trained and equipped with some ideas on how they can boost with what God has called them to do. A bunch of pics on my file for such trainings. We invite you for some leadership trainings especially to places where there has been no training. Feel free to contact.

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