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An audience of parents and children smile and clap for a skit on stage.
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Preschool and Elementary Easter Skit: An Easter Story

Use this fun skit, An Easter Story, to help preschool and elementary children learn the real meaning of Easter.

The Scene: Three children with a Bible discussing the true meaning of Easter.

The Characters:

  • Three children,
  • the Easter Bunny,
  • the Teacher,
  • Jesus on a stick pony,
  • two children with palm branches,
  • Jesus carrying a large cross,
  • a Roman soldier with a “whip,” and
  • a child in robes.

Preschool and Elementary Easter Skit: An Easter Story

(Easter Bunny enters stage.)

Easter Bunny: Hey! It’s me! Happy Easter!

Child 1: Yeah, whatever. (Continues talking to the others.)

Easter Bunny: (Jumps around excitedly to get their attention again.) Hey! Hey! It’s me! Aren’t you excited?

Child 2: (sarcastically) Oh…yeah… sure. We’re real excited.

Easter Bunny: (Walks over and listens in on the conversation to see what’s going on for a few moments before speaking.) What are you guys talking about anyway?

Child 3: We’re talking about Easter!

Easter Bunny: Yeah! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you! I’m all about Easter — and I’m here! (All the children laugh; the Easter bunny looks confused.)

Easter Bunny: Why aren’t you guys excited to see me?

Child 1: Oh! It’s not that we’re not excited to see you. Of course we’re excited to see you. It’s just that you’re not really what Easter is all about.

Easter Bunny: (perplexed) I’m not?

Child 2: No! You’re not! And that’s what we were just talking about!

Child 3: (Shows the Easter Bunny an open Bible.) It’s all right here! And we were just reading about how the disciples got the greatest surprise ever on that first Easter morning.

Easter Bunny: (excitedly) Let me guess! Let me guess! (Stops to ponder.) I know! I know! A super-sized, giant, extravagant Easter basket that’s this high (holds hand up) and filled with all kinds of candy! (Looks at kids and realizes he’s way off.) No?

All Children: No!

The True Meaning of Easter

Child 1: There’s so much more!

Child 2: Now don’t get us wrong…we like candy. It’s just that if that’s all Easter is about, it’s a pretty empty holiday.

Easter Bunny: If it’s not about me and it’s not about candy, then I’m lost.

Child 3: Exactly! That’s what Easter is all about!

Child 2: Easter is about Jesus rising from the dead! (Easter Bunny looks surprised but intrigued.)

Child 3: And Jesus came to earth to “seek and save the lost.”

Child 2: (Puts his arm around the Easter Bunny.) Let’s go talk about this some more while our teacher tells all these kids more about the real meaning of Easter.

The Biblical Account of Easter

(Everyone exits the stage. Afterward, the Teacher tells children about the biblical account of Easter. As each scene is mentioned, characters pantomime the scene.)

Teacher: (Enters the stage. As the Teacher talks, two children enter the stage and wave palm branches. They’re followed by a child dressed as Jesus and riding a stick pony.) It was really incredible! On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Everyone went crazy, praising Jesus and waving palm branches to honor him.

Teacher: (As the Teacher talks, two children enter the stage. One is dressed as Jesus and carries the cross on his back. The other is dressed as a Roman soldier and pretends to whip Jesus.) The soldiers beat Jesus and put a crown of thorns on his head. The soldiers made Jesus carry his cross to the place where he would die.

Teacher: (As the Teacher talks, the soldier mocks Jesus and pretends to nail him to the cross. Jesus “dies.”) Jesus hung on the cross while the soldiers mocked him. Finally, he died on the cross and was taken down to be buried.

Teacher: (As the Teacher talks, a child dressed in a robe enters and lays Jesus on the floor. When the teacher says that he arose, Jesus jumps up.) But that’s not the end of the story! They buried Jesus in a tomb, and three days later he arose! He came back to life! (Everyone cheers!)

Debbie Hardy
Conowingo, Maryland

Looking for even more great ideas for Easter? Check out all our Easter posts. And for even more ideas and daily posts of inspiration, follow us on Facebook!

14 thoughts on “Preschool and Elementary Easter Skit: An Easter Story

  1. Myra Rickard

    I am looking at your skit: The Ressurrection, and page 2 does not open. This looks like a great skit and I’d really like to be able to use it. Will you check into it and allow page 2 to open? Thanks, Myra Rickard.

  2. This is beautiful!!!!!!! It puts the true and real meaning of Easter back in perspective.

  3. How do I get the whole skit, The Easter Story? It looks like there’s more than just pages 1 and 2?

  4. Thank you we do the play with Arabic children it was wonderful , God bless you

  5. Anne Mitchell

    It is a beautiful story of the true meaning of Easter. I have a very small Sunday school class and would like to present it on Easter Sunday. Is there a cost? How do I get the rest of it?

    • Christine Yount Jones

      Anne, the entire skit is there. No cost! It’s free for your use.

  6. This is great since most of the children in our ministry love hands-on activities and drama is perfect for them. I was thinking of having some adults or some of the youth to help me when teaching them the script. We’re also planning to have them sing a song after the skit–“Lord I Lift Your Name on High”. I appreciate this! God bless you and this ministry!! 🙂

  7. I would like to get the skit for my middle age students I am children Director for a children ministry and I am looking for the kids to get involved for them to let all they can about JESUS. Please let me know how to get the skit please email me at I would truly let me go.

    • Children's Ministry Magazine

      Hi Josie, The entire skit is here for you to use! It finishes with the children cheering.

  8. Hi,I love this it is based on my father of heaven! and I am doing this for church.

    #Love 4eva

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