Easter Outreach Idea for All Ages: Food to Spare
Just as Jesus told Peter to “feed [his] lambs,” kids will do just that for their community in this Easter outreach idea.
Scripture: John 21:4-6, 12-13, 15-17
You’ll need:
- Bible
- small, clean plastic jars
- jelly beans
- colorful paper
- hole punch
- markers
- ribbons
Easter Outreach Idea: Food to Spare
In the weeks leading up to this Easter outreach project, collect small, clean jars and remove labels.
Gather your kids and say: After Jesus came back to life, he appeared to his disciples. He even made them breakfast!
- Tell about a time you were really hungry.
Read John 21:4-6, 12-13.
Say: Then Jesus told Peter how to show that he really loved Jesus. Read John 21:15-17.
- Tell about a time you shared food with someone.
Say: There are people in our town who’d love us to share food or treats with them. And we can show Jesus’ love by feeding his lambs a special Easter treat—jelly beans!
For this Easter outreach, have kids fill the jars with jelly beans and write notes or poems on colorful paper. Punch a hole in the corner of each card and string a piece of ribbon through the hole. Tie one note around each jar just underneath the lid. Give the goodies to a local food pantry to be distributed along with Easter food baskets, or have kids take them home to give to neighbors as an Easter outreach.
Want more Easter ideas? Check out these posts! You can also find all of our outreach ideas here.
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