Elementary + Preteen Easter Children’s Message: God Is All-Powerful
Use this Easter Children’s Message: God Is All-Powerful to help kids get to know Jesus at Easter.
Say: On Easter we celebrate Jesus’ defeat of death. He’s alive and will live forever. He wants us to be his friend and have the power to live forever, too. That is what Easter is all about! We do this by telling God we believe Jesus is alive, by telling God we love him, and by telling God we’re sorry for the bad things we’ve done. We ask for forgiveness and promise to follow and love Jesus every day.
When we do this, we have put our faith in Jesus. When we put our faith in Jesus, we have God’s power with us every day to help us. And, like Jesus, we will live forever. Some of you already may have put your faith in Jesus. That’s great! But if you haven’t and you would like to, all you have to do is tell God you want to put your faith in Jesus. We’re going to be quiet for a minute to give you all a chance to talk to God. If you want to talk to him about putting your faith in Jesus, you can do that now, making this the most special Easter of all for you!
After kids finish praying, invite anyone who talked with God about putting his or her faith in Jesus to tell you or another adult helper about it after the session is over. Please make sure you talk to the parents of these children. Some children may not be comfortable talking about this decision with you. Make sure they understand that is okay, but let them know they should talk about it with their parents.
Easter Children’s Message: God Is All-Powerful
Have kids form trios. Say: Let’s look at a verse from the Bible that tells us about God’s power.
Read aloud Ephesians 3:20. Ask:
- What do you think it means when it says God’s power is at work within us?
Give each trio a ruler or measuring tape.
Say: Measure the foot of someone in your group. Now measure the arm of someone in your group. Next, find a chair, and measure how high it is. Now measure the length of one of the walls in our meeting area. Lastly, measure the height of one of the walls in our meeting area.
Some of you couldn’t measure the wall because you weren’t tall enough. Now measure the height of our church building. Okay, then measure the distance from here to the star in the universe that’s the farthest away. That’s right, you can’t do it because for you the distance to that star is immeasurable. We can’t measure it. That’s what the Bible verse says about what God’s power can do for us. It’s so big and wonderful we can’t measure it. But we know it’s there because God told us he’s powerful, and God’s power is shown in raising Jesus from the dead. That power can help you every day in school, with your friends, at home, with any hard things in your life.
Collect the rulers and measuring tape.
Large Group Debriefing
Have kids gather together in a large group.
Say: I want you to think of one thing in your life in which you need God’s power this week. We’re going to be really quiet for a few seconds, and during that time, I want you to ask God to use his power to help you this week.
Have a short time of silent prayer. Close the prayer time by thanking God out loud for raising Jesus from the dead and for giving us that power in our lives. End the session by singing “He’s Alive.”
Looking for even more great ideas for Easter? Check out all our Easter posts.
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