Elementary Bible Craft: Stuck on Jonah
This elementary Bible craft will use the story of Jonah to teach children that salvation comes from the Lord.
As Jonah ran away from God, a violent storm arose, putting the boat that Jonah was on in great danger. Jonah knew that the storm was from God, so he asked the sailors to throw him overboard. The raging sea grew still, and Jonah was saved in the belly of a big fish.
Theme: God saves us; “Salvation comes from the Lord” (Jonah 2:9b).
You’ll need (for each child):
- two 8 1/2×11-inch pieces of blue vinyl (readily available at fabric stores)
- white dot stickers
- green, pink, and gray construction paper
- crayons or marker pens
Elementary Bible Craft: Stuck on Jonah
Before children arrive, cut the pink construction paper into simple people shapes, and cut the gray construction paper into large fish shapes.
Have each child put a fish and Jonah figure on one piece of the vinyl. They may add facial features to Jonah and the fish.
Have children rip green construction paper and place it on the vinyl to make seaweed. Tell them stick white dots on the vinyl for air bubbles. Have children place the second piece of vinyl over the Jonas scene and rub firmly around the paper pieces, so the two pieces of vinyl stick together.
After children have completed their Jonah ocean scenes, have them stick their vinyl picture to a window by rubbing it against the glass. Let them retell the story while opening up the vinyl pieces and moving Jonah around. Then ask:
- How do you think Jonah felt inside the big fish?
- How did God save Jonah?
- What do you think Jonah looked like after the fish spit him out?
- How does God save us?
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